Budget Line: Line of Credit ![](docs/images/lineofcredit.png) The amount that the bank is willing to lend the city. ![](Chart::StatLineOfCreditStat) The Line of Credit, or LoC, is calculated based on the following factors: * [[budget/budgettotalearnings|Total Earnings]] > Accountants estimate your Total Earnings for the next year (year+1). You are estimated to $selectIf(budgetLine(BudgetTotalEarnings, 2) < 0, "lose", "make")$ $formatMoney(math.abs(budgetLine(BudgetTotalEarnings, 2)))$ in $formatYear(now()+OneYear)$. * [[budget/budgetassets|Assets]] > The value of all your amenities, were you to sell them, is taken as collateral for the loan. Your assets are currently valued at $formatMoney(budgetLine(BudgetAssets, 0)*CAssetLOC)$. * Loan Term > If you take out a longer-term loan, there is more time to earn money to pay it off, so you can take a larger loan. However, you will be charged a higher interest rate. > ![](Chart::StatNationalInterestRate:National) * National Economy > The liquidity of the nation's financial system can play a role in your Line of Credit. You must [[budget/budgetloaninterest|pay interest]] on your loan every year. See also [[budget/budgetcashtospend|Cash to Spend]] and [[budget/budgetbalance|Budget Balance]].