Amenity Effect: Business ![](newspaper/images/downtown01.png) #### You have +$formatInt(amenityEffectScore(BusinessScore))$![](IconZoneMonoOffice)Business, reducing unemployment by $formatPercent(1-amenityEffectMultiplier(BusinessScore))$ and encouraging $formatInt(amenityEffectScore(BusinessScore)*CBizPerBizPoint)$ extra [[zones/officezone|Office]] businesses to move to the city. How can you make $cityName()$ more business-friendly? Encouraging more business in your city will lower [[concepts/unemployment|Unemployment]], which in turn will reduce crime and other problems in your city. ![](IconZoneMonoOffice)Business is a city-wide effect. ##### Benefits of ![](IconZoneMonoOffice)Business * $formatInt(amenityEffectScore(BusinessScore)*CBizPerBizPoint)$ extra [[zones/officezone|Office]] businesses in the city. * Unemployment is reduced by a percentage. > There are multiple "percents" here, which may be confusing. ![](IconZoneMonoOffice)Business reduces unemployment from what it would be otherwise. So if you would have a 10% unemployment rate (due to economic and taxation factors), and ![](IconZoneMonoOffice)Business reduces your unemployment by 50%, you will have a 5% unemployment rate. See the [[concepts/unemployment|article on unemployment]] for more details about how unemployment works. * ![](IconZoneMonoOffice)Business does not reduce the negative impact of taxes on unemployment. [[index|Back to Index]]