Amenity Effect: Nature #### You have +$formatInt(amenityEffectScore(NatureScore))$ ![](IconParksCategory)Nature. ![](docs/images/nature.png) The pavement must grow, but how can citizens avoid feeling like they are trapped in a dirty, polluted maze of gray blocks? Let's try to bring a bit of nature back to the concrete jungle. ![](IconParksCategory)Nature is a local area effect. It mitigates [[heatmaps/hmPollution|![](IconPollution)Pollution]]. ##### Benefits of ![](IconParksCategory)Nature * Amenities which give Nature create fresh air and places for citizens to breathe, mitigating the effects of pollution. * ![](IconParksCategory)Nature directly influences the Pollution heatmap. See the article on the [[heatmaps/hmPollution|![](IconPollution)Pollution heatmap]]. * The Biffco Enterprises plant has a negative ![](IconParksCategory)Nature score, meaning the plant actually creates pollution. You should place it as far away from your city and your beautiful beaches as possible. * The [[effects/environment|![](IconTree)Environment Score]] reduces pollution city-wide. [[index|Back to Index]]