Amenity Effect: Technology ##### You have +$formatInt(amenityEffectScore(TechnologyScore))$![](IconTech) Technology, increasing the effectiveness of ![](IconEducation)Education. ![Margaret Hamilton](docs/images/marge.png) Sometimes a city becomes recognized as the global center for a particular technology or industry. This brings a flood of businesses and highly educated residents. It also inspires schoolchildren to study hard, because they are dreaming of a bright future and a prosperous career. ![](IconTech)Technology is a city-wide effect. It makes [[effects/education|![](IconEducation)Education]] more effective. Thanks to your +$formatInt(amenityEffectScore(TechnologyScore))$![](IconTech) Technology, Education is $formatPercent(amenityEffectMultiplier(TechnologyScore))$ as effective. [[index|Back to Index]]