Community Heatmap Community (![](IconFamily)) represents the bonds between citizens of your city. Do they greet one another on the street with a smile and a wave on their way to the park? Or do they avoid eye contact, keeping their gaze low as they trudge back and forth to their dreary jobs? ![](newspaper/images/friendly01.png) ##### Affects: * Increases [[heatmaps/hmHealth|Health]] * Increases [[heatmaps/hmProsperity|Prosperity]] ##### Affected By: * Increased by [[effects/community|Amenities]] - Recreational, Social Services, Library * Increased by Farm and Mixed Use Zones * Reduced by Retail and Office Zones * Reduced by [[heatmaps/hmDensity|Density]] ##### Heatmap Menu * [[heatmaps/hmPollution|Pollution]] * [[heatmaps/hmValue|Value]] * [[heatmaps/hmDensity|Density]] * [[heatmaps/hmCrime|Crime]] * [[heatmaps/hmEducation|Education]] * [[heatmaps/hmProsperity|Prosperity]] * [[heatmaps/hmCommunity|Community]] * [[heatmaps/hmHealth|Health]] [[index|Back to Index]]