Pollution Heatmap Pollution is kinda gross. It's irritating and it gets everywhere. Track sources of air, noise, and water based pollution in your city with the Pollution Heatmap (![](IconPollution)) and squash them out to improve your citizens' quality-of-life. You can also reduce pollution by building parks. ![](docs/images/pollution.png) ##### Affects: * Reduces [[heatmaps/hmHealth|Health]] * Reduces [[heatmaps/hmValue|Value]] * Slows Growth of [[heatmaps/hmDensity|Density]] ##### Affected By: * Reduced by [[effects/nature|parks]] and [[zones/parkzone|park lots]]. * Reduced city-wide by the [[effects/environment|![](IconTree)Environment Score]]. * Reduced by terrain - Hills, mountains and water reduce pollution. * Increased by buildings - All buildings, including farms and houses, emit pollution. * Increased by industry - Factories are particularly bad polluters. * Increased by Transportation - Roads, Expressways, Trains, and Buses all emit pollution. * Buses and Trains emit much less pollution per person moved. * Places where large numbers of cars wait for a light, or get bunched up by traffic, are major sources of pollution. Get that traffic moving! ##### Heatmap Menu * [[heatmaps/hmPollution|Pollution]] * [[heatmaps/hmValue|Value]] * [[heatmaps/hmDensity|Density]] * [[heatmaps/hmCrime|Crime]] * [[heatmaps/hmEducation|Education]] * [[heatmaps/hmProsperity|Prosperity]] * [[heatmaps/hmCommunity|Community]] * [[heatmaps/hmHealth|Health]] [[index|Back to Index]]