Value Heatmap What are buildings and land in your city limits worth? The ![](IconLandValue)Value Heatmap allows you to see at-a-glance where your city planning efforts and policies are producing valuable results. ![](docs/images/value.png) ##### Affects: * Property tax income - Nicer buildings are worth more, and their owners pay more in taxes. * How nice your city looks * Achievement unlocks - Some achievements require high value buildings to unlock. For example, the Zoo requires a mansion: a Residential building of Value 10, the highest possible value. ##### Affected By: * Increased by [[heatmaps/hmEducation|Education]] * Increased by [[effects/value|Amenities]] * Increased by [[zones/parkzone|Park Lots]] * Increased by hills and high terrain. * Increased by proximity to water - Closer to water increases ![](IconLandValue)Value * Reduced by [[heatmaps/hmPollution|Pollution]] * Reduced by [[concepts/transportation|vehicles]] - Minor reduction from cars, moderate reduction from trucks ##### Heatmap Menu * [[heatmaps/hmPollution|Pollution]] * [[heatmaps/hmValue|Value]] * [[heatmaps/hmDensity|Density]] * [[heatmaps/hmCrime|Crime]] * [[heatmaps/hmEducation|Education]] * [[heatmaps/hmProsperity|Prosperity]] * [[heatmaps/hmCommunity|Community]] * [[heatmaps/hmHealth|Health]] [[index|Back to Index]]