Traffic Infoview Looking to keep a pulse on the ebb and flow of your cities? Use the Traffic Infoview (![](IconCar)) to monitor the volume of vehicles moving through your streets in real-time. ![](newspaper/images/traffic1.png) ##### Purpose With the Traffic Infoview (![](IconCar)) active, your city will be shrouded in shadow and vehicles will be highlighted by their headlights. As more vehicles congregate on stretches of road, those segments will brighten to indicate the increase in average traffic. Find the brightest spots in your city and you'll find the bottlenecks that a savvy city planner can eliminate with thoughtful infrastructure improvements. ##### Infoview Menu * [[infoviews/ivTraffic|Traffic Infoview]] * [[infoviews/ivRoadmap|Roadmap Infoview]] * [[infoviews/ivTransit|Transit Infoview]] * [[infoviews/ivZone|Zone Infoview]] * [[infoviews/ivUnderground|Underground Infoview]] [[index|Back to Index]]