Transit Infoview As your city grows, the wise mayor will employ mass transit to minimize vehicles on the road and maximize traffic efficiency and profits. The Transit Infoview (![](IconBus)), like the ![](IconRoad) [[infoviews/ivRoadmap|Roadmap Infoview]], trims down the presentation to the bare fundamentals you need for managing your transit system. ##### Purpose Use the Transit Infoview (![](IconBus)) to focus in on all the building blocks of your mass transit system, transit lines, stops, and vehicles you have established. Transit lines will show up as the color specified by you in the Transit Designer. You can see passenger numbers at a glance, as well as the transit vehicles currently on the route. ##### Infoview Menu * [[infoviews/ivTraffic|Traffic Infoview]] * [[infoviews/ivRoadmap|Roadmap Infoview]] * [[infoviews/ivTransit|Transit Infoview]] * [[infoviews/ivZone|Zone Infoview]] * [[infoviews/ivUnderground|Underground Infoview]] [[index|Back to Index]]