Underground Infoview Wondering what's going on beneath the surface of your city? Check out the subterranean happenings with the Underground Infoview (![](IconUnderground)). ##### Purpose The Underground Infoview (![](IconUnderground)) renders only the roads, expressways, railways, and amenities of your city. The surface level terrain is made transparent, so as to reveal any of the former three which may have been constructed underground with "Build Tunnels" (![](IconUnderground)) enabled. ##### Infoview Menu * [[infoviews/ivTraffic|Traffic Infoview]] * [[infoviews/ivRoadmap|Roadmap Infoview]] * [[infoviews/ivTransit|Transit Infoview]] * [[infoviews/ivZone|Zone Infoview]] * [[infoviews/ivUnderground|Underground Infoview]] [[index|Back to Index]]