Blueprint Tool The Blueprint Tool (![](IconBlueprint)) enables you to build big and build quickly. Create your own templates for city blocks or other layouts that you can stamp across the terrain as desired. ##### How to Use * Select the Blueprint Tool (![](IconBlueprint)) from the menu bar with the Left Mouse Button. * Select Create New Blueprint (![](IconBlueprintNew)) with the Left Mouse Button or press its associated hotkey. * Alternatively, you can import a blueprint which is stored in your system's clipboard by clicking Import Blueprint (![](IconBlueprintImport)) with the Left Mouse Button or pressing its associated hotkey. * If creating a new blueprint, click and hold the Left Mouse Button then drag across a section of your city, clicking Left Mouse Button again when finished to create a blueprint of it. * Anything contained within the blue box will be added to the new blueprint. * You can then export the blueprint to the system clipboard by clicking Export Blueprint (![](IconBlueprintExport)) with the Left Mouse Button or pressing the associated hotkey. * Once you have an active blueprint, you can click Save Blueprint (![](IconSave)) to store it for future use. * You can rename the blueprint by clicking the pencil icon (![](IconPencil)) with the Left Mouse Button, making the desired changes, then clicking the checkmark (![](IconCheck)) or pressing Enter. * Pressing the Rotate Blueprint (![](IconBlueprintRotate) hotkey will rotate the currently selected blueprint 90 degrees clockwise. * Pressing the Flip Blueprint (![](IconBlueprintFlip)) hotkey will flip the blueprint horizontally. * Clicking Raise Blueprint (![](IconUp)) or Lower Blueprint (![](IconDown)) with the Left Mouse Button or pressing the associated hotkeys will raise and lower the entire blueprint to the desired elevation. ##### Notes * Share your blueprints with the community or find interesting blueprints to add to your city with the export and import functionality. * The base cost to build the blueprint is shown in the info message for it, along with the number of roads and zone types contained within. * The actual cost to build the blueprint will update in real time (shown in the game view) to account for variances in the terrain as well as any eminent domain costs if building over existing construction. ##### Tool Menu * [[tools/toolQuery|Query Tool]] * [[tools/toolTransportation|Transportation Tool]] * [[tools/toolZone|Zone Tool]] * [[tools/toolAmenity|Amenity Tool]] * [[tools/toolDozer|Bulldozer Tool]] * [[tools/toolBlueprint|Blueprint Tool]] [[index|Back to Index]]