Destroy Tool The Destroy Tool (![](IconBulldozer)) allows you to demolish buildings, roads, and more in your city. Build it up then tear it down. ##### How to Use * Select the Destroy Tool (![](IconBulldozer)) from the toolbar with the Left Mouse Button or press its associated hotkey. * Highlight the object you wish to destroy in the game view. * The object will be highlighted in read to help with visibility. * Click the Left Mouse Button to destroy the object. * Click and drag to destroy everything in a rectangular area. * Note that all buildings have an eminent domain cost associated with them that you will pay when destroying the object. * Destroyed amenities will be sold for $formatPercent(CBuildingSalesFactor)$ of the cost. ##### Notes * The eminent domain cost will be shown in the game view when hovering over an object that can be destroyed. ##### Tool Menu * [[tools/toolQuery|Query Tool]] * [[tools/toolTransportation|Transportation Tool]] * [[tools/toolZone|Zone Tool]] * [[tools/toolAmenity|Amenity Tool]] * [[tools/toolDozer|Bulldozer Tool]] * [[tools/toolBlueprint|Blueprint Tool]] [[index|Back to Index]]