Query Tool The Query Tool (![](IconQuery)) allows you the opportunity to inspect the fine details of your city. Follow citizens to and from work, see what businesses have set up shop in a particular building, rename streets, inspect routing, heatmaps, and more! ##### How to Use * Select the Query Tool (![](IconQuery)) from the toolbar with the Left Mouse Button or press its associated hotkey. * Select a subtool: Choose from Query (![](IconQuery)), Heatmaps (![](IconGrid)), the Route Inspector (![](IconRoute)), and the Label (![](IconMessage)) subtool. * For the Query (![](IconQuery)) subtool: Selecting a building, vehicle, road, or other object with the Left Mouse Button will open a panel with detailed information on the object. * For the Heatmap (![](IconGrid)) subtool: Selecting a specific heatmap with the Left Mouse Button or associated hotkey will overlay your city with additional information regarding where and to what degree those metrics are affecting your city. The Information Panel will dynamically show additional information like the color values and their meaning for the heatmap, as well as a bit of additional info on how the heatmap affects your city. * For the Route Inspector (![](IconRoute)) subtool: Selecting a road with the Left Mouse Button will show you additional info about routes that start on that stretch of road. The Information Panel will dynamically change to show estimated travel times, divided by Car and Mass Transit (if applicable), as well as a "cost-adjusted" time that accounts for the fuel and maintenance value a citizen will consider when using that road. * For the Label (![](IconMessage)) subtool: Use the Left Mouse Button to place a label anywhere in your city or on the surrounding terrain. You can use the subtool window to enter text, change the color for the label, and adjust the size of the label. ##### Notes * When you have a building selected, you can see additional info such as the following: * Building name * Building number (for debug purposes) * Construction date * Design file * Texture file * Text revenue per year * "Historical" building toggle (will not be demolished) * Building value * Maximum lot density (set with the Zone Tool (![](IconHouse))) * Citizens in the building/Number of businesses in the building * Heatmap values at the building's location * List of businesses, households, and citizens within the building * With a heatmap selected, the cursor will change to show that heatmap's value at that location. * Transit info will only appear in the Route Inspector when a Mass Transit system uses that particular stretch of road in its route. ##### Tool Menu * [[tools/toolQuery|Query Tool]] * [[tools/toolTransportation|Transportation Tool]] * [[tools/toolZone|Zone Tool]] * [[tools/toolAmenity|Amenity Tool]] * [[tools/toolDozer|Bulldozer Tool]] * [[tools/toolBlueprint|Blueprint Tool]] [[index|Back to Index]]