Concept: Tourism ![Make your city a vacation paradise!](docs/images/hotels.png) NewCity features a Tourism system. Once you build an amenity with Tourist points, tourists will start to visit your city. Every [[effects/tourism|![](IconTouristMale)Tourist]] point gives +$CTouristsPerPoint$ tourists per year. $cityName()$ has been given a Tourism rating by Space Magazine, based on tourists' experiences. The higher your rating is, the longer tourists will stay -- and the more money they spend! ##### The Tourists and The Score ![](Chart::StatTouristRating) Tourists will arrive in your city from neighboring towns, so be sure to connect your roads to them, or build a NewTrack line connecting to another city. Tourists will stay in Hotels, which appear in retail and mixed use zones. They visit buildings such as the Public Beach, the Casino Resort, and the various museums. Tourists shop more often than citizens, boosting sales tax revenues. ![](Chart::StatTouristTransactions) Tourists that spend time in your city will have an opinion on their experience, based on Value, Crime, Pollution, and the other heatmaps. Tourists particularly enjoy amenities with lots of points in [[effects/tourism|![](IconTouristMale)Tourism]] or [[effects/prestige|![](IconBusiness)Prestige]]. They also prefer taking mass transit over driving. If a tourist has a good experience, they'll have fond Memories. When they return home, they'll spread the word about how much fun they had, and your Tourist Rating will rise. With a higher Tourist Rating, visitors will stay for longer and spend more money -- and pay more sales tax. ![](Chart::StatMemories) Tourists commit more [[heatmaps/hmCrime|![](IconCrime)Crime]] than citizens. The lower your Tourist Rating is, the more crime they'll be prone to commit. [[index|Back to Index]]