This is an open page about my experiences with a new "Early Access" city simulator, called NewCity. Long had I searched out such a title as a true SimCity 4 successor, in a 10+ year journey filled with false prophets, false prophets like Cities XL, SimCity (2015), and of course, Cities: Skylines. I had even started a real effort to write down what should be in city simulators and how they can be done in a modern sense.

NewCity was not a looker, it did not even look as good as Metropolisim, a product promised on Steam but with a thin-skinned developer who eventually went silent, which itself was not as good looking as Cities: Skylines, which in itself had issues. NewCity, from screenshots, just resembled small buildings with lights linked together with featureless roads. But I saw it improve, and eventually I bought it soon after it hit Early Access.

What I saw was a wonderful concept with someone who actually put thought into the way cities work (some of them I felt that the developer was on my wavelength) that was unfortunately marred by a number of bad design choices. The difference between "Bad" and "Ugly" is not just semantics, if I think a feature is "Bad", it's a feature that I find annoying and hope I can get fixed in future versions, "Ugly" is something very bad that causes disruption in-game or a serious design error.

As it stands right now, I can't recommend it unless you want to support the developers by giving them a $20 donation and in return getting a playable proof of concept as a thank you gift. I hope that in six months from this writing, all the "Bad" and "Ugly" sections are largely corrected.

The Good
As a whole my hour of the game I experienced I saw a lot of things that I really liked about it and could come to see to maturity.
The Bad
I hope that the "bad" parts get ironed out in future releases. Still, these are annoyances, and most of them might end up going away. I also hope that the fixes are largely native fixes instead of trying to outsource it to modders while adding irrelevant gimmicks like Cities: Skylines did.