Welcome to EXOR'S DUNGEON, a new video game website named after one of the major foes in Super Mario RPG. It is a redevelopment of the "Video Games" section of Carbon-izer.com and reworked to better integrate the content here. This looks simple but is reflective of the type of video games sites I liked growing up.
About This Page - Explains why this page was made along how the rating system works.
Game Reviews - Reviews of games I've played.
Books & Strategy Guides - Reviews of published books and strategy guides.
Magazines - Reviews of video game magazines.
SimCity 2000 - Expanded page on SimCity 2000.
Guides & Walkthroughs - Guides and walkthroughs specifically developed for Carbon-izer.
Downloads - Games and game-related downloads. [COMING SOON]
Other Fun Stuff - Curiosities and whatever else doesn't fit here. [COMING SOON]
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