For me, Waco was the place I've been to the most often besides my own hometown, with visits often focusing on my grandfather's house (both houses, he moved in the early 2000s) and later my uncle's house. Despite being somewhat comparable to my hometown, it always felt old and run-down, which to a large extent, it was. As things continue to change in Waco to become larger and newer, with chain restaurants running up and down I-35, I wanted to archive Waco as it was. Too often "history" doesn't happen until it happened decades later, and even then, a very selective sort of history focusing on a few people who played a small part in the city's history. (This is a chief complaint I have of
Like my Bastrop page, some of this I actually added to Wikimapia at some point but like I learned with Wikipedia, better your own stuff than a collaborative effort that often gets lost and misused (like the actual Wikipedia).
As of fall 2022 this includes Temple-Killeen and Marlin as well.
The sections here are as follows: